Our Philosophy

Summanera has a clear mission: to preserve the historic viticulture of Sicily.

The research and vinification work of the autochthonous varieties continues constantly with dedication.

The love for the land and the respect for nature has led the company to adopt organic farming to produce authentic and valuable wines working side by side every day, and trying to respect the plants in the vineyard and the natural times of the wine in the cellar.

Summanera produces territorial wines, elegant, capable of an expressive development as natural as possible, of great finesse and longevity.

"In life you need a bit of luck, but a lot of will, only in this way ideas go forward"

Giovanni Anselmo


Son of a farmer, after a life of work as a building contractor, he wanted to give himself a dream that had accompanied him since childhood, that of becoming a wine producer.

He saw in this idea the possibility of realizing his desire and, after not a few vicissitudes, he succeeded. Enthusiasm, initiative and dynamism have always driven him to go forward in work as well as in life.

Francesco Di Giovanni


Son of an oenologist, he grew up with the dream of following in his father's footsteps.

With this passion, since he was a child he followed his father in the vineyard during the summer holidays, and then deepened his practice in books.

A degree in oenology in Conegliano and some experience in Italy and abroad allow him to confront himself with different experts assimilating new visions.

"A great wine is born in the vineyard"

Harvesting and vinification are carried out by hand, according to ancient local tradition.


C.da Sparadrappo

Eager to discover other territories, they seized the opportunity to settle in one of the most beautiful areas that the wine and natural landscape had to offer: Etna

After months of research on the territory aimed at finding the ideal land to produce a red wine up to the greatest wines in the world, the perfect place was identified on the southern slope of the highest active volcano on the European continent, an area with extraordinary viticultural potential.

The 43-year-old vines, grown in bush, are located in C.da Sparadrappo, at the foot of the highest active volcano on the European continent at 700 m above sea level and an exposure to the South/South-West, which allows the Nerello Mascalese to express the refinement of this unique territory at its best.

The local winemakers have been cultivating these lands for centuries, adapting cultivation techniques to the steep slopes of the mountain


Nerello Mascalese


Sud / Sud-Ovest


700 m a.s.l.


C.da Vallefondi

It is a splendid estate of 25 hectares purchased by Giovanni in 2015. of which 15 are dedicated to organic grape cultivation in full respect for the environment and nature

Thanks to its extension, the estate offers different exposures and microclimates and is particularly suitable for the cultivation of different grape varieties.

A part of the vineyards are located on a hill, at an altitude ranging from 350 to 400 meters above sea level.

The numerous vineyards are managed, by a group of historic cultivators, in respect of the viticultural tradition of the territory.



Nero d'Avola





Sud / Sud-Ovest


350-400 m a.s.l.


C.da Balletto

An organic farm owned by Francesco's family.

The totality of the vineyards cultivated in organic regime is planted with Grillo and extends for about 4 hectares, at 350 meters above sea level with a predominantly South-East exposure.

The soil is tendentially sandy.

The sweet winters and the hot summers caressed by the fresh wind create in the territory the perfect microclimate for the cultivation of the grapes.






350 m a.s.l.

The company has 3 hectares of land cultivated with olive groves

In c.da Vallefondi we find a typical variety of olive grove widespread in Western Sicily, namely Biancolilla.
In c.da Gianvicario, in the territory of San Cipirello, we find another variety, namely the Nocellara del Belice.

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